Arum Lilies on Green/Acrylic |
This is my final piece for this term's Art Class which was influenced by the flower paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe and Tamara de Lempicka. We have these beautiful Arum Lilies growing around our pond and it was easy to choose them as my subject. I wanted a more subtle background compared to my red/pink practice painting and opted for pale greens. The leaves are supposed to be more of a pattern than real leaves. I dry brushed on some red towards the end as the painting had become too green. I prefer this painting, the composition is better, but the jury is out as several of my colleagues at the Art class and my husband, Jeremy, liked the red version better. If you have an opinion please let me know.
No more classes until September, but I hope to keep practising over the summer so do pop in.
Lesley x
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